How to Execute a Successful Office Party

How to Execute a Successful Office Party

There are three main things you need when throwing an office party: food, games, and organization. Food is critical because if you provide food, they will come. Try to offer a variety of choices to accommodate different tastes and diets – i.e. cheese and crackers,...
Measuring the ROI of Social Media

Measuring the ROI of Social Media

We all know that everyone who’s anyone is on Facebook, right? Being social is cool, but the bigger question is… is it making your business money? Branding through Social Media “Brand Awareness” sometimes sounds like a cop-out when you’re talking about social media ROI...
Beware of the AdSpeak

Beware of the AdSpeak

Those Mad Men Days Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to play the advertising game forty years ago, in the “Mad Men” days. Were they aware of AdSpeak? Around Seattle in the 1970s, radio was in its heyday. There were four TV stations and Seattle had a morning...
Industry of Buzzwords

Industry of Buzzwords

We are such an industry of buzzwords. When one becomes too mainstream, we quickly race to replace it with something even more fascinating. Buzzword: Advocacy For example, what was once called word-of-mouth is now Advocacy. It’s still word-of-mouth. It just gets spread...
Using Social Media to Maximize Customer Engagement

Using Social Media to Maximize Customer Engagement

Regardless of the medium, a business’s approach for increasing their customer engagement, as well as prospects, should always be strategic. These interactions should address the specific needs, characteristics, behaviors, and even the challenges of that...